A bit of fun…get to know me a bit better

I’m a big fan of other SA bloggers and follow a number of their blogs. Just this week,I found a new SA blog that I didn’t even know existed and have added it to my daily blog ritual. It is called The Nocturnal Wenchy – highly recommend having a read of it!

So why am I telling you this? Well because I was reading it yesterday and saw her awesome article – A bit of fun…old chap and just had to part take as I love answering these kinds of questions and thought that her post was a little different to some of the other’s I have read.

Please enjoy learning a little more about my crazy fun self:

  • Hair down or up? Generally up – as I am useless at styling my hair so can look wild and out of control if it is down
  • Jeans or track pants? Track pants all the way…if I could live in my PJs I would. As soon as I get into my house I am practically half undressed and in my PJs in 2 minutes
  • Painted or non-painted nails? Normally a coloured french with some nail art…I spoil myself with getting my nails done every 3 weeks by Glow 97 on 3rd Ave. Such a treat – so addicted!
  • Favourite colour? This seems to change as my mood changes, however all the girls at the office think its purple as I wear a lot of purple but it is probably pink at the moment
  • T-shirt or dress shirt? T-shirt all the way…I am not a huge fan of having buttons all the way done any shirt.
  • Flip flops or sneakers? Flip flops, there is nothing better than showing of your gorgeous pedi and pretty feet…however sneakers maybe in order for a cold day.
  • Big handbag or small? I am definitely attracted to huge handbags, it seems like I like to carry around everything plus the kitchen sink. However, lately I bought a medium to large handbag in Amsterdam which is just the perfect size and I love so much!
  • Tattoos? Yes Yes and Yes! I currently have 4 tattoos but that will soon be increasing to 6. I love Bryan at Fallen Heroes work and won’t go anywhere else.
  • Piercings? Ears, nose and tongue. Not sure I would pierce anything else…but who knows.
  • Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds…they are a girls best friend and my birth stone…so it’s a match made in heaven!
  • Favourite animal? Just has to be a cat…any cat…It’s not like I have 5!
  • Favourite food? This is one of those questions that I find so hard as I love food…all food…however, I would have to choose chocolate as I am just so addicted!
  • Rap or country music? Country music. Yeah, yeah!
  • Height? 1.75cm
  • Sports or Couch? Both…I love to hate doing Getfit (it’s so fun but hurts so much too) but I also enjoy lazing on the couch from time to time.
  • Theatre or movies? Again this is a both – I tend to go to movies more often but I also enjoy a good theatre production from time to time.

Feel free to either answer these questions in the comments section, post on your own blog or email me : shelleyallthingspretty@gmail.com.

My shoes - photo by Femme Fatale Boudoir Studio

My shoes – photo by Femme Fatale Boudoir Studio (www.femmefataleboudoir.co.za)

Me - Gorgeous photo by Femme Fatale Boudoir Studio

Me – Gorgeous photo by Femme Fatale Boudoir Studio (www.femmefataleboudoir.co.za)

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