Easter is one of my favourite times of the year, as it is perfectly acceptable to eat as much chocolate as you physically can and no one judges your chocolate covered face! It is like heaven!
Also being a bit of a chocoholic (no I don’t have a problem, in case you were wondering)…I have to have as many Easter eggs and bunnies as possible. I wouldn’t say I’m a chocolate snob, as I enjoy a number of brands of chocolate. However, my favourite has to be LINDT – it is the perfect balance between creamy and sweet. All my family know this and at this time of year, they make sure to give me a little LINDT something. However, my ultimate favourite is the Hazelnut LINDT Gold Bunny…I just can’t get enough of them…everyone just tastes like more!
If you are not like me and like Hazelnut in your chocolate, then LINDT has other flavours of Gold Bunnies – Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate…which are both equally as delicious! However, your choice between them would depend on your chocolate tastes.
And to satisfy my giant, bottomless sweet tooth, LINDT have launched some new chocolate treats for Easter! Yay!
New addition to the LINDT family :
The LINDT Gold Bunny family has expanded this year to include the new LINDT Gold Bunny Box 500g and the adorable LINDT Gold Bunny Paw 20g. Which I am very excited about! The Gold Bunny Paw is the perfect size to soothe a sudden chocolate craving without totally over indulging. Whereas, the Gold Bunny Box 500g is pure decadence and something that everyone needs to try!
LINDT Easter hunt :
This Easter, LINDT is embracing the traditional Easter hunt, with the creation of a LINDT Gold Bunny Magical Garden, especially for the kiddies. There will be one at Fourways Mall, Johannesburg and one in Cavendish Square, Cape Town. These Magical Gardens will host a series of Easter hunts from 27 – 29 March, with the first hunt beginning at 9:15am. Thereafter, there will be a hunt every 30 minutes, which lasts approximately 15 minutes. These enchanting gardens will be filled with a range of delicious LINDT chocolate treats, just waiting to be found. So be sure to get yourselves and your children down to either Fourways Mall or Cavendish Square to partake in this Magical Garden experience…and the added bonus of finding some LINDT chocolate of course!
LINDT supports Riverine Rabbit :
LINDT will once again be doing their part for our planet, by supporting the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s Riverine Rabbit Project. This initiative is dedicated to the conservation of this critically endangered species through ecosystem preservation, environmental education and various other means. For more information on this project, visit: www.goldbunny.co.za/riverine-rabbit/
LINDT contact details :
- Website : www.goldbunny.co.za
- Twitter : @LindtSA
- Instagram : @LindtSA
- Facebook : /LindtChocolateSA
- YouTube : /LindtChocolateSA
- Hashtag : #LindtGoldBunnySA
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